Cerebellum® Intelligent Hydration For the Brain™

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Water is the second most important nutrient for life, after oxygen. In today’s world our beverages can be acidic thus making our bodies acidic as well. The lack of pure water with strong minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, can be the catalyst causing us to become too acidic.  Natural Pure Water is foundational to all wellness. Everything has the "potential of Hydrogen" (pH). The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.

A 7.365 body pH measurements is the benchmark for measuring our health, our pH is something we have control over as part of our health.   A pH of 7 is considered neutral.  When water is pure it is very close to pH neutral..

The pH balance can be achieved by ensuring that we are pH neutral, as such we must be well  hydrated to rid our bodies of waste and toxins. Without pure water and lots of it, the body cannot become pH balanced! Water helps to digest food, and helps transport nutrients and oxygen, water helps lubricate joints and cushions organs and tissues, water carries waste products such as acids out of the body, and removes toxins.

We have limited pure water sources in the world and, we need to clean our water to drink. Cerebellum® H2O™ is a natural source of water and it is naturally high in pH, therefore the body retains the nutrients in the water.  With its high pH, Cerebellum® H2O™ is one of the most comprehensive pure water solutions available, good for the mind, good for the body.

As humans we are made up mainly of water. As such drinking plenty of water is vital to our well being, not just water but natural pure water.

More than two-thirds of the body is made up of water, with the brain being made up of nearly 85 percent water. A high level of physical and mental activity, increase the body's requirements for water.

So How much water do you need? Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." If you do drink eight, 8 ounces of water per day you are drinking  about 1.9 liters.

Cerebellum® H2O™ is available in a premium 1 liter bottle as well as other sizes, drinking at a minimum TWO (1 ) liter bottle of Cerebellum® H2O™ a day will equal to the recommended advised of  drinking eight, 8 ounces of water per day.   Drinking water help keep the body and brain adequately hydrated while at the same time providing the brain and with the proper micro nutrients it needs to function.



Drink Water Hydrate Your Mind & Revive Your Body™.